Uncommon Sports Group seeks to develop Christ-centered future leaders of the college and pro sport industry. A large part of how USG goes about developing future leaders of sport is through the USG Academy. This eight-week program seeks to root young professionals in the firm foundation that Christ offers, as well as providing practical advice on advancing towards a full-time role in the sport industry.
Our most recent Academy group, titled Team 34, just wrapped up their eight-week experience at the end of February. Jacob Neu, Graduate Assistant of Athletic Communications at LeTourneau University, was a part of that group and shared some of his reflections from the experience:
"The Academy played a big part in my continued development in my life spiritually and within my professional area of work. It was so encouraging to be able to hop on a weekly call and hear about what the other people working in a similar profession were learning about in the world. The way that it set up an intentional time with a group and one on one coaching. Noah Weiss was my coach and I felt very comfortable sharing with him the things going on in my life and asking for advice and prayer in my day-to-day walk. He was super encouraging and a huge blessing to me throughout the eight weeks of the Academy and even before the Academy.
The Academy was a great way to be held accountable for something more than a daily devotional. I loved reading through Purpose Driven Life and growing through and thinking through the questions posed by Rick Warren and by the Uncommon Sports Group Playbook. They helped me in reflecting on my personal life and consider the ways that I could better represent Christ and his Kingdom here on earth.
Throughout the Academy, there was a variety of topics that we tackled. We went through why we exist, how we should live our lives, why we worship, what is considered worship, how we should consider our finances to be for kingdom wealth and not worldly wealth, and much more. We went through most facets of our lives, and it was always a benefit to be reading this material while also reflecting on it as a group.
The professional aspect of the Academy is something that should not be forgotten about as there are a lot of opportunities for growth in that area within the Academy. There were small things like resume reviews to larger things like informational interviews. There is a lot of opportunity for exposure through the USG and within the academy which is incredible.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Academy and highly encourage anyone who is looking to work in sports and wants to build on their relationship with Christ to consider applying."
It is incredibly encouraging to see the many ways that God is impacting future leaders of sport through the eight-weeks of the USG Academy. We are grateful for Jacob's testimony and are excited to see how God will continue to use him as a light in his present role at LeTourneau University.
If you are a young professional or student desiring to work within the college and pro sport industry, as well as desiring to grow in your faith journey, then the USG Academy is for you! Use the link here to submit the short Academy application and start your journey with USG!