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Suzanne Snyder

Quiet Time

A peaceful sunset walk with the Bible

Slow down.

We live in a fast-paced world where people are envied for how much they work, how busy and full they can make their weekends, and where complaining about being tired is like begging for a compliment to the ‘work hard, play hard’ image. For those in sport - at all levels, from athlete to general manager - it has become a status symbol to be in the office before the break of dawn and rolling home after the sun has set.

Slow down.

The Lord calls us to “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). In Ecclesiastes, Solomon talks about the futility of our time here on earth and how there is a season for everything;

“There is an occasion for everything,

and a time for every activity under heaven:

a time to give birth and a time to die;

a time to plant and a time to uproot;

a time to kill and a time to heal;

a time to tear down and a time to build;

a time to mourn and a time to dance;

a time to throw stones and a time to gather stones;

a time to embrace and a time to avoid embracing;

a time to search and a time to count as lost;

a time to keep and a time to throw away;

a time to tear and a time to sew;

a time to be silent and a time to speak;

a time to love and a time to hate;

a time for war and a time for peace.”

  1. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

It’s clear from this passage that we are called to work diligently, have fun, share life, and feel emotion. This passage also makes it very clear that we are called to rest, heal, and embrace life experiences. For me, this looks a lot like meals around the table with those I love, spending time in nature, and disconnecting from social media. This will look different for everyone, but I encourage everyone to stop, think, and evaluate where you spend your time. Slow down, rest, and set aside some quiet time with the Lord.

Be intentional with your time. Greg Laurie says it best, “Sometimes good things can become bad things if they keep us from the best thing.” Don’t let good things keep you from your relationship with the Lord, or they will easily become bad things.

As professionals in the sport industry, busy and changing schedules, atypical work hours, strict bosses, and the pressure to perform are always present. Think about how dedicated you have been to hitting the marks and achieving the goals you and your team have set for you professionally. Now think about how much more you should spend your time given in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). How can you refocus some of the time and energy you have poured into your professional career and move that towards your relationship with the Lord.

It’s countercultural.

It takes commitment and dedication.

Isn’t your eternity more important than getting that raise or landing the next big gig?

As Christ-followers, being intentional with your time should look like:

  1. Spending time with Jesus and developing that relationship

  2. Pursuing loving relationships with your spouse, family, and friends

  3. Working diligently to perform in the area of work the Lord has called you to

So, what does it mean to slow down? What are the tangible steps one might take to ‘slow down’?

Here are a few simple and easy steps to help keep your life centered on Jesus while thriving in the sport industry…

Determine what time of day works best for you to devote some time to God's word. What is life-giving for you? For some people, it’s an early morning with coffee and the Bible, or taking time over lunch to sit in the park and connect with the Lord through nature; for others it might be part of an evening routine of putting the phone away and reading before bed. Each individual is different and it may take some time to find the routine that works best for you, but try it out. That’s the hardest but most crucial step - to start!

There are many great books and daily devotionals to help you stay focused and on track. If you are a new Believer or struggle with knowing how to begin reading the Bible, picking up one of these would be a great way to get started!


If you need some more advice, guidance, or encouragement in finding quiet time to slow down, reach out to a USG Engagement Associate. Connecting with others will help you realize that you can do it and finding an accountability partner can make it that much easier.


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