“I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.” Psalm 81:10
“Can I pray for you?” These five words carry a lot of weight, especially in places where hopelessness, anxiety, and all types of darkness exist. Often, in the workplace especially, I’m challenged by the reality that I have the answer to everyone’s problems. The answer is Jesus.
Praying with and for coworkers, family members, and unsaved friends, can be super intimidating. But, when we step out in faith, knowing that Jesus has the power to set people free, there is joy in taking the gift of life that Jesus has given you and sharing it with others.
When you fall in love with Jesus, He consumes all that you do, say, touch, etc. When He is the most precious, the most valuable there becomes no “off” button on evangelism because you’re oozing with love for Jesus everywhere. Scripture says that what’s done in secret will be brought to the light. So your time with Jesus in secret will effortlessly overflow to everyone around you. Test me on this! My “cup runneth over” is true, when your cup is filled with Him.
If you have a need, come to Jesus. He pours His Spirit out without measure. That promise is for all of His children and all of those who will come into the family. He is longing to give Himself away, looking for a heart to receive Him.
Lord Jesus, you are the fairest of ten thousand. Hide us behind the cross today. May you be exalted, and may you be glorified in all that we do.