I love the song we sing in church, “I surrender all. I surrender all. All to thee my precious savior, I surrender all.”
But, do we release the grip? Do we walk the talk? I'm guilty of belting this on Sunday, but struggling to hand over control on Monday.
Let’s talk this out…The enemy has no access to a life completely and radically surrendered to Jesus and His Lordship. HALLELUJAH! Do we trust Him enough to morning by morning give Him everything? Each morning in prayer, I’ll usually tell the Lord, “I surrender my life again to beloved Jesus.” He paid for it and honestly, I don’t want it. (John 12:24-26) I don’t want to be the Lord of my life. I’ve been there and done that. Trust me, it’s not pretty. Even when I don’t understand, I know this…true freedom is found in true surrender.
Folks, Jesus is coming back. The Spirit and the bride say come. The marriage supper of the Lamb is on the horizon. I can hear the wedding bells. He will have His worthy reward, a spotless bride.
Allow the potter’s hands to shift you into rhythms of simplified and deeper intimacy with Christ. Allow the Spirit of truth to daily take you into fellowship with the Father. There the wellspring of life is found. This is how you get to know the Son of Man.
The parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25 is always sobering to me. I would pause and read it right now, asking the Holy Spirit to open your mind to this section of scripture!
Quick synopsis… Five wise virgins had oil in their lamps, ready for the return of Jesus. Five did not. Those without oil were unable to enter the wedding banquet because, “‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.”
We long to know you, Jesus. Ready your bride. It’s time to surrender and entrust that He is more than able to hold all of your life together for all eternity. He is worthy of this.