1st Peter 4:10 - “Each of you should use, whatever gift you have received, to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace, in its various forms.”
We live in a remedial world that often focuses on weaknesses, boxed structure and on becoming “well-rounded”. After 30 years of research, Gallup Inc. established the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment, a respected educational, business, spiritual instrument that goes against traditional “well-rounded” ideology, in order to help individuals understand how to leverage their unique God-given strengths. Over 400 different talents were found through decades of research and they organized them into 34 unique strengths that fall under the umbrella of the four domains of, Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building and Strategic Thinking. Through this structure, individuals are able to better understand how they have been gifted and how they can use those gifts for the Lord’s glory!
The premise of the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment, is that you will make your greatest contributions in life, when you are mainly working in your areas of strength. Gallup Inc. in their research found that individuals that operated in their areas of strength were more engaged with their work, assignments and tasks, had more energy, were more successful in their relationships and spiritual journeys, were less likely to burn-out and were three times more likely to report an “excellent quality of life”. Gallup’s research also found that most individuals work more frequently, effectively and make their greatest contributions in life through leveraging their top 10-12 strengths. Strengths 13-22 are leveraged and used as support strengths. Strengths 23-34 are used in rare situations, you are more energized, engaged, and successful when you do not have to leverage these strengths. When placed in a situation where your lower strengths might be needed, you can use different strengths in your top 10-12 strengths to arrive at a similar outcome. Another way to help alleviate the pressure of being a top performer in every strength would be to partner with individuals who have opposite and complementary domain strengths to yours.
The Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment is used worldwide to empower individuals to focus and grow in their strengths. Since 1999, millions of people have taken the assessment and are better equipped in understanding who they were created to be. Presently there is a 1/33,000,000 percent chance of someone having the same Top 5 strengths as you in order, which confirms the uniqueness of gifts from person to person! Over 150+ USG members have completed the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment, as well as three one hour coaching sessions in regards to understanding their God given strengths, personally, relationally and how they can use those strengths for the Lord’s glory!