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Mikey Carpenter

Lent & Its Purpose

The cross on a cloudy day

Last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten season, an often misunderstood and abused seasonal gift, in our walks as followers of Christ, that in many cases has become a legalistic norm. Having not grown up in a Christian home, and having a misconstrued comprehension of the Lenten season as a whole, I sought to find out more from authors and pastors about the vitality of the Lenten season, its purpose for us as Christians and how it can be transformational in our personal walks with Christ.

The Lenten season has been observed by God’s people for thousands of years, to reorient Christians with a vantage point of understanding Jesus’ suffering, and sacrificial death on the cross. Lent consists of forty days plus an additional six Sundays, that later culminates in Easter with a focus on Jesus’ resurrection and the ensuing celebration of Jesus being risen and the gift of salvation that we as Christians have through Jesus’ finished work on the cross!

There is often a component to giving up something for the Lenten season, that in many cases is something that distracts or distorts us from our awareness of the Lord’s presence. When we desire to embrace what we have given up during this season, the hope would be that we would press into Jesus’ suffering for our sins, and be drawn into the transformational power of the good news, and not embrace what we have given up. It is not about giving up something in particular, for our own selfish ambition or self glory, but in this season of giving something up, we are to abide in Christ, grow in Him, and let Him transform our hearts.

Ask yourself a question like this in the coming weeks: How will you reorient your heart during this Lenten season, to remember the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins? My hope is that as we move towards Easter, that God would transform our hearts where you and I would rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection, in our personal relationship with Him and in the gift of salvation! Lent is a gift for all Christians that prepares our hearts for Jesus' resurrection and if you have not embraced the Lenten season previously, I want to encourage you to give it a try. I am excited to see how the Lord works in you, and what He does through you as we make our way towards Easter or “Holy Sunday”, April 17th, 2022.


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